Bailey's Frosting
mysqli (97) failed. INSERT INTO recipe_recipes SET recipe_name = 'Bailey\'s Frosting - Copy', recipe_ethnic = 18, recipe_base = 24, recipe_course = 7, recipe_prep_time = '0.00', recipe_ptime = 1, recipe_cook_time='0.00', recipe_ctime = 1, recipe_itime = 1, recipe_inactive = '0.00', recipe_difficulty=1, recipe_num_servings=24, recipe_temp='0', recipe_directions='Using the whisk attachment of a stand mixer, whip the butter on medium-high speed for 5 minutes, scraping the sides of the bowl occasionally. Reduce the speed to medium-low and gradually add the powdered sugar until all of it is incorporated. Add the Baileys, increase the speed to medium-high and whip for another 2 to 3 minutes, until it is light and fluffy.', recipe_comments='', recipe_source=6, recipe_cost='0.270', recipe_owner='lindy', recipe_calories = 1, recipe_fat = '0.03', recipe_carbs = '0.04', recipe_chol = '0.09', recipe_netcarbs = '0.04', recipe_protein = '0.00', recipe_fiber = '0.00', recipe_ww_pts = '0.01', recipe_basket = '0', recipe_sugg_sides = '', recipe_kosher = 5, recipe_kp = 0, recipe_lofat = 0, recipe_sodium = '0.15' , recipe_yields_num = '0.00', recipe_yields_unit = 11 , recipe_wine_type = 0, recipe_wine_sugg = 0 , recipe_wine_name = '', recipe_tested = 0 , recipe_orig_serve = 24, recipe_equip = ''
Errormessage: Duplicate entry 'Bailey's Frosting - Copy' for key 'recipe_name'