Rosemary Caper Pork Tenderloin - Copy
mysqli (97) failed. INSERT INTO recipe_recipes SET recipe_name = 'Rosemary Caper Pork Tenderloin - Copy - Copy', recipe_ethnic = 1, recipe_base = 2, recipe_course = 6, recipe_prep_time = '0.00', recipe_ptime = 1, recipe_cook_time='35.00', recipe_ctime = 1, recipe_itime = 1, recipe_inactive = '0.00', recipe_difficulty=1, recipe_num_servings=4, recipe_temp='450', recipe_directions='Set oven to 450 degrees. Mix garlic, rosemary and lemon peel. Spread paste over tenderloin.
Brown tenderloin in 2 tablespoons of olive oil in dutch oven or skillet, turning, for 10 minutes.
Place skillet in oven for 15 to 20 minutes until pink inside. Remove pork and tent.
Deglaze pan with beef broth and balsamic vinegar. Reduce to half, add capers and 2 tablespoons of butter. Put 2 tablespoons of sauce on each plate.
Slice pork on the bias, about 1 inch thick. Add 2 to 3 slices to the sauce and serve.', recipe_comments='', recipe_source=404, recipe_cost='1.350', recipe_owner='lindy', recipe_calories = 244, recipe_fat = '16.08', recipe_carbs = '2.27', recipe_chol = '64.40', recipe_netcarbs = '0.00', recipe_protein = '21.98', recipe_fiber = '0.33', recipe_ww_pts = '6.50', recipe_basket = '0', recipe_sugg_sides = '', recipe_kosher = 4, recipe_kp = 0, recipe_lofat = 0, recipe_sodium = '280.83' , recipe_yields_num = '0.00', recipe_yields_unit = 0 , recipe_wine_type = 0, recipe_wine_sugg = 0 , recipe_wine_name = '', recipe_tested = 1 , recipe_orig_serve = 4, recipe_equip = ''
Errormessage: Duplicate entry 'Rosemary Caper Pork Tenderloin - Copy - Copy' for key 'recipe_name'